We Welcome Our First Podcast Guest

We welcome our first guest to the podcast, Lori Haws, Registered Kinesiologist.
We love Lori’s wholistic approach to treatment and injury prevention. We discuss Matrix Repatterning, Ki-Hara Resistance Stretching, Mashing, and Mediation. You’ll want to listen to discover more about how all of this can help you.
Visit Lori at lorihaws.com (Facebook / Instagram).
We end the podcast with with a wrap-up of the #TranscendTo30 Challenge. Thank you to everyone who got involved in the challenge. From all the messages we received and posts we saw, we know you got a lot out of this and so did we, along with some pleasant surprises too.
Leave us a voice message where you can ask us your questions and be included on the podcast.
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Or listen to it right here.